Hi everyone!
Despite all that is going, hopefully everyone is staying safe, healthy and being able to continue working and studying remotely. I’m trying to balance this with breaks, keeping myself preoccupied and snacking(!) I might do a blog post just on surviving this time and useful tips 🙂
For #LPC students, electives will begin soon and I chose the following electives:
Commercial Law
Advanced Real Estate
IP Law
Immigration Law
Below are the plans that I used for my modules which help me organise my notes, stay on top of my to-do list and consolidate on each workshop.
For each workshop, there are specific outcomes which you want to focus on. I have highlighted the key words which I tried to ensure I understand and know how to answer if it were to come up in the exam.
For the MCQ practice, there were the preparatory questions and consolidation so make sure you get both done – the more practice, the better!
After the workshop is done, I try to consolidate on my notes and create my own checklists on answering different questions if they were to come up in the exam
For elective modules, we had File Management Tasks (coursework) – I’m not a fan of coursework since I start to overthink and want to perfect my writing but I tried to get started early on these and plan as the weeks went on since I had to submit them before my exams whilst revising for exams!!
