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Training Contract Diaries - Part 3

Writer: ZainabZainab

Updated: Jan 17, 2021

How did a whole 6 months go by?! I have completed my first seat of my training contract and had my first seat review with my supervisors! This was such a useful exercise and conversation - as always when you are learning (or living?) it’s such a great exercise to reflect back, identifying what you learnt, what went well, what was achieved, what can be improved.

I’m thankful that my determination to do well and work hard has been apparent but I also have a few skills I need to work on. As mentioned in my previous post, there are SRA skills and competencies needed to be met to qualify and putting in the hard work to meet these will hopefully be worthwhile.

Some of the skills identified by my supervisors:

- Attention to detail: whilst we can offer good overall work with high standard of attention to detail and drafting meticulously well. You can read through a document five times but on the sixth, you’ll spot an error you haven't previously picked up - happens to all of us! That’s why fresh eyes, mind, space is important.

- Structure of written work: as lawyers, we draft different pieces of work - the list is endless, emails, letters, reports, blog posts...each with different purpose, reader, message to portray. The majority of our work will be communicating with our clients and other lawyers. Each piece needs to be tailored to the reader: will my client understand what I’m explaining, what do I require from them, by when, what do they require from me!

This is a form of accountability for my own self so I can (hopefully) come back to this post and see whether any progress has been made!


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