I hope all is going well and you are surviving studying and working from home. The below top tips might help you:
Be ready for the day ahead – this might seem insignificant but essentially we are doing the same work but from home or remotely so starting the day off ready to work hard and get your tasks done!
Set up an organised working space with comfortable seating – this is so useful. When I previously worked from home, I didn’t have a designated working station but since this time it will be more long term I set up a desk and have my essentials beside me so I can have a more work-like feeling and focus.
Remember to take regular breaks during the day – I find it is especially useful to motivate myself to get through a long task and have a break at the end of it or to take healthy breaks during the day.
Have a lunch break away from your work station – I realised the importance of this after I spent the first few days sat my desk. Instead, walk away from the desk and work for that lunch break, grab a snack, watch some TV – re-energise and then get back to work for the afternoon – it really does help!
Stay hydrated – so important yet easily forgotten. I snack during the day but forget to drink water if it is not in front of me – tip for this is keep a bottle of water at your desk as a constant reminder (just as I would at work!)
Get some fresh air – this helps both physically and mentally and the weather is great right now (whilst we are allowed to go out!)
Stay in touch with your colleagues – I shared an office with two of my colleagues, one of whom is my supervisor and I have been in constant contact with both and it helps! We’ve even set up a Whatsapp group (or several) for easy messaging and socialising!
Do not overwork yourself or over-stress – the current situation is uncertain and stressful. To help strengthen your immune system, stay fit, stay healthy and calm. Stress weakens the immune system and can run you down. Stay away from this by staying calm and not overworking. You need to strike a healthy balance between work and free-time.
Do something to keep you pre-occupied outside of work – I’ve started to paint and do some calligraphy again which I really enjoy. I think it’s come at the perfect timing when I need some downtime and keep a balance between work and hobbies. Check out my recent paintings below 🙂
Enjoy it whilst it lasts – the way we work is changing. We are bound to become agile and flexible and we will miss working from home (no commute, sleeping in, 2 minute walk to the ‘desk’ and staying in our PJs!!)
